014 Feb 1951 Central Australia CE3
Members of the Unmatjera tribe of Aborigines reported seeing two shiny circular objects on the ground, some nine to fifteen metres across. A very small man-like creature wearing a shiny suit with bulbous head is said to have transferred from one object to the other. Both objects then took off making a buzzing sound. (Edwards, F. (1966). "Flying Saucers Serious Business." London. Mayflower. p169.)
124 18 Jan 1969 Between Singapore and Darwin NL 2345hrs
Commercial airline pilots at 10,000m saw a slowly descending light, changing from white to yellow from level to two degrees below the aircraft on a bearing of 260-265 degrees. Duration five to ten minutes. RAAF investigation suggested a possible cause was the planet Saturn. (RAAF annual sightings summary 1969.)
403 18 Dec 1981 Sydney NSW to Tokyo Japan Photo 0415hrs
A man took a photo from an aircraft at 10,000m, possibly over Queensland. The black and white photo shows a point source wandering all over the print. It is believed to shown interior cabin lights. (UFORSA.)
463 Mid Dec 1991 Manila Phillipines Photo
An Australian tourist took a photograph of city lights from their hotel window. A UFO-like artifact appeared on the film. It looked like a chandelier. Nothing was visible when the photo was taken. (Bill Chalker/UFOIC.)